Meet Jessi Cabanin - founder, creator, educator—obsessed with taking action and helping others see things differently. She doesn’t just talk about change—she lives it. She’s built her reputation on making things happen, and she’s here to help you do the same.
Sometimes the hardest decisions are the ones most necessary. I've sat with this decision for a couple weeks and as much as it tears me apart, it's also incredibly healing.
Pretty please with glitter on top, know and respect that this decision was not easy.
My calendar for 2024 is officially closed to new clients/projects.
Current clients, projects and Designer on Deck members are not effected.
Join the waitlist to get in line for 2025 projects.
Don't assume anything. Email me with questions.
As business owners, we often find ourselves in a constant state of “go-go-go.” We juggle multiple projects, serve our clients, and sometimes—without even realizing it—we forget to check in with the person running the show: ourselves.
September was a MEGA HUSTLE SEASON over here ya'll. No regrets, really – bc the hustle last month truly helped clarify where I want to the needle to point and how I need to get it there.
However – without fail, like every other fall season, I told myself that “this year will be different. This year I'll take ownership and control over my schedule. I’ll intentionally slow down, take on less and make space to recharge.” In full transparency, I have NEVER followed through with this. I struggle with keeping promises to myself in many aspects of my life. I struggled hard these last few weeks and quite honestly, gave up all my hard built healthy habits of food and exercise. Like POOF, gone. Like it was nothing… The ease of that terrifies me.
As of October 1, 2024 – my calendar is now closed to new client projects for the rest of the year.
While this wasn’t an easy decision, it’s one that I know will allow me to show up even stronger for both you and myself in the long run. It’s time to stop talking about giving myself time and space and actually put that intention into action.
The energy and effort I pour into your projects are deeply important to me. In order to bring you my best—whether it’s developing strategies, executing creative work, or offering guidance—I need to make sure that I’m taking care of my own well-being first. I’m not stepping away entirely. I am creating more intentional space to reflect, recharge, and recalibrate so that I can continue to deliver the high level of service and results I stand by.
I proudly build my offerings around a kick-ass customer experience and as embarrassed as I am to admit it, that experience has more like sucked ass in the last couple months.
I want to build deeper relationships with you. I truly want to help you go from zero to hero. I want to watch you grow and scale and succeed. But to do that, strong foundations first need to be built. So in this “gap season” I'll be focusing on making sure the TWTF foundations are fully transitioned from Marketing Agency to Branding Agency and that we are ready to sustainably take 2025 by storm.
I'm not interested in exploding my social media following (i mean truly, don't get me started on that topic…). I'm not looking to fill my inbox with so many leads my entire next year is booked out as well. Hell, I'm not even looking to make 7 figures in my business right now.
In educating. Sparking creativity. Encouraging collaboration. Making space for some goddamn disruptions in the industry. Cultivating a community that can shift their mindset, scale sustainably and spread that same impact in their communities. I want to start a powerful as hell ripple effect.
Q4 will serve as a foundational season, but a growth season as well. Our focus for the remainder of the year outside of foundations is curating our education sector, and continuing to build out our new Mastermind Community – The Spark Society. Limited Founding member seats are available for those who are done waiting for sustainable growth and are ready to take action toward their goals.
If you’re currently working with me or are part of our ‘Designer on Deck” retainer program, nothing changes. You’re still on my roster, and we will continue as planned. I value the trust you’ve placed in me, and I’m committed to delivering the same level of excellence we’ve been working towards.
I’m still here for those of you wanting to explore potential projects for the future! While availability is more limited, discovery calls are still available, and I’m happy to connect, brainstorm, and plan for what we can build together in the new year.
While I’ll be closing my calendar to new project start dates until the New Year, that doesn’t mean we can’t plan ahead. If you know you want to collaborate on something in 2025, scroll down and save your spot in line on the waitlist for when my schedule reopens.
For those of you needing immediate support or strategic guidance, I’d love for you to consider joining the Spark Society, the most recent evolution of our free action-focused community. It’s a fantastic way to receive ongoing education, strategy, accountability, and community support.
If you’ve got a project in mind for next year, I encourage you to join the waitlist at the bottom of this page. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to reach out for discovery calls if you’d like to start the conversation now in preparation of the new year.
Thank you for understanding as I make this shift to better serve you in the long run. I’m excited to return in 2025 refreshed, refocused, and ready to tackle incredible new projects together!
No one is you, and THAT is your superpower. Let's makeover your marketing strategy and grow your business, together.
Your photographer, designer and mega hype girl, here to help you take your brand to the next level. You don't need 20 different people to help you do all the things. You just need a multi-facet, client-focused creative like me!